Posts in Madame Architect Abroad
Past, Present, and Future: The Pritzker Architecture Prize's Executive Director Manuela Lucá-Dazio on New Beginnings, Relationships in Space, and Developing Oneself
Voice of Dignity: Gabriela Carrillo on Constructing a Thinking Process, Leaving Questions, and Reinventing Oneself
The Bigger Picture: Henning Larsen's Signe Kongebro on Systems Thinking, Creative Boosts, and Expanding the Concept of Architecture
Forms of Care: Tatiana Bilbao on Responsibility, Opportunity, and Staying True to Your Values
Strength and Softness: Amelia Tavella on Nature, Artistry, and Memory in the Mediterranean
Integrating Sustainability: White Arkitekter's Monica von Schmalensee on Curiosity, Social Context, and Matters of Justice
On Imagination: Carla Juaçaba on Recognition, Sensitivity, and Overcoming Times of Crisis
Visions for the Territory: Cazú Zegers on Being Open Hearted and Original
Part of the Future: Architectural Photographer Ema Peter on Working With the Best and Chasing the Light
The Best That We Are: Stantec’s Arliss Szysky on Perseverance, Advocating for Others, and Putting Fear Aside
Strategic Perspective: 5468796 Architecture's Johanna Hurme on the Economics of Architecture and Advocating for Value
Moving Atmospheres: Snøhetta’s Jenny B. Osuldsen on Sharing Ideas, Teamwork, and an Architecture for Everybody
Building for People: Ingrid Taillandier on Her Career in France, Her Focus on Density, and the Peers She Admires
A Universal Right: Pritzker Laureates Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara on the Fundamentals of Architecture, Building Bit by Bit, and Friendship
Service to Humanity: Martha Thorne on the Pritzker Prize, Architectural Education, and Affecting Change
Relentless Beliefs: ZVON Collective's Maria Kremer on Politics and Architecture, and Her Search for Beauty
Enjoying the Process: fr-ee's Liliana Viveros on Discipline, Resilience, and Finding the Right Way
Permanent Learner: Ensamble's Débora Mesa on Sensitivity, Materializing Ideas, and Learning by Doing