Madame Architect Archive


Mette Aamodt - Feature Interview

Emily Abruzzo - Feature Interview

Farida Abu-Bakare - Feature Interview

Sofia Acosta - NextGen

Sandeep Ahuja - Feature Interview

Gabriella Ainslie - Feature Interview

Yẹmí Àlàdérun - Feature Interview Team Interview

Dana Alfayez - NextGen

Lila Allen - Feature Interview

Danya Almoghrabi - NextGen

Melike Altınışık - Feature Interview

Isabella Alveberg - Feature Interview

Oluchi Amakoh - NextGen

Amale Andraos - Feature Interview

Paola Antonelli - Feature Interview

Lora Appleton - Feature Interview

Nimi Attanayake - Feature Interview

Defne Aydintasbas - Feature Interview


Michelle Badr - NextGen

Tizziana Baldenebro - Feature Interview

Ruth Baleiko - Feature Interview

Aashna Bajaj - NextGen

Germane Barnes - Expanding the Conversation

Malene Barnett - Feature Interview

Alexandra Barker - Feature Interview

Nicole Bass - NextGen

Adina Bauman - NextGen

Jessica Beck - Feature Interview

Kristen Becker - Feature Interview Days With

Deborah Berke - Feature Interview

Elaina Berkowitz - Feature Interview

Zoë Berman - Team Interview

Erin Besler - Feature Interview

Barbara Bestor - Feature Interview

Bina Bhattacharyya - Feature Interview

Caitlyn Biffle - Feature Interview

Ashley Bigham - Feature Interview

Tatiana Bilbao - Feature Interview

Maya Bird-Murphy - Feature Interview, Days With

Jennifer Bonner - Feature Interview

Isabel Oyuela Bonzani - Feature Interview

Maite Borjabad - Days With

Apurva Bose Dutta - Feature Interview

Zhanina Boyadzhieva - Days With

Amina Blacksher - Days With

Meryati Blackwell - Feature Interview

Heidi Blau - Feature Interview

Shirley Blumberg - Feature Interview

Louise Braverman - Feature Interview

Lesley Braxton - Feature Interview

Kika Brockstedt - Days With

Frances Bronet - Feature Interview Expert Essay

Ryan Brooke Thomas - Feature Interview Team Interview

Alison Brooks - Feature Interview

Angela Brooks - Feature Interview

Julie Brown - Feature Interview

Tiffany Brown - Feature Interview

Alice Brownfield - Team Interview

Jean Brownhill - Feature Interview

Ashley Bryan - Feature Interview

Diana Budds - Feature Interview

Gabrielle Bullock - Feature Interview

Maryellis Bunn - Feature Interview

Madeline Burke-Vigeland - Feature Interview

Mary Burnham - Feature Interview

Julie Burnell - Team Interview Team Interview

Luisa Bustamante - Days With


Pam Campbell - Feature Interview

Gabriela Carrillo - Feature Interview

Majora Carter - Feature Interview

Judaline Cassidy - Feature Interview

Margaret Cavenagh - Feature Interview

Miray Celikkol - NextGen

Danei Cesario - Feature Interview Days With

Lisa Chamberlain - Feature Interview

Katherine Chan - Expert Essay

Kathy Chan - Feature Interview

Hélène Chartier - Feature Interview

Catherine Chattergoon - NextGen Days With

Kelsey Cherry - Days With

Michael K. Chen - Expanding the Conversation

Renée Cheng - Feature Interview

Stephanie Cheung - Days With

Katherine Chia - Feature Interview

Christina Cho Yoo - Feature Interview

Linna Choi - Feature Interview

Garance Choko - Feature Interview

Rachaporn Choochuey - Feature Interview

Julia Chou - NextGen

Anjelica Christon - Days With

Pam Chueh - NextGen

Megan Chusid - Feature Interview Expert Essay

Catherine Clark - Feature Interview

Ellie Cody - NextGen

Katie Colford - NextGen

Daniel Confroy - Expanding the Conversation

Kira Teshima Conlon - Expanding the Conversation

Gwen Conners - Feature Interview

Christyna Conway - Days With

Nina Cooke John - Feature Interview Personal Essays Team Interview

Teonna N. Cooksey - NextGen

Abigail Coover - Feature Interview Team Interview

Kedra Cornelske - Feature Interview

Eva Coruzzi Schneider - Days With

Sarah Cowles - Feature Interview

Laura Crescimano - Feature Interview

Yazmín Crespo - Feature Interview

Ciara Cronin - Feature Interview

Alexandra Cuber - Feature Interview

Heather Currier Hunt - Feature Interview


Yolande Daniels - Feature Interview

Marianela D'Aprile - Feature Interview

Diana Darling - Feature Interview

Naomi Darling - Feature Interview

Katherine Darnstadt - Feature Interview

Caitlin Dashiell - Feature Interview

Sharon Davis - Feature Interview

Imani Day - Days With

Peggy Deamer - Feature Interview

Odile Decq - Feature Interview

Clarelle DeGraffe - Feature Interview

Holly Deichmann Chacon - Feature Interview

Alicia Delgado-Alcaraz - NextGen

Alexa DeLott - NextGen

Lisa Delplace - Feature Interview

Suzanne Demisch - Team Interview

Carrie Denning Jackson - Feature Interview

Sabine De Schutter - Days With

Nicole Dosso - Feature Interview Days With

Kimberly Dowdell - Feature Interview Days With

Susannah Drake - Feature Interview

Terri Dreyer - Feature Interview

Winka Dubbeldam - Feature Interview

Juliette Dubroca - Feature Interview

Sara Duffy - Feature Interview

Michelle Duncan - NextGen

Martina Duque Gonzalez - NextGen

Alyssa Duran - NextGen

Alma Du Solier - Feature Interview


Tammy Eagle Bull - Feature Interview

Mary-Jean Eastman - Feature Interview

Ifeoma Ebo - Feature Interview

Yasaman Esmaili - Expert Essay

Gabriela Etchegaray - Feature Interview

Onyi Egbochue - NextGen

Julie Eizenberg - Feature Interview

Frida Escobedo - Feature Interview Team Interview


Karen Fairbanks - Feature Interview

Iben Falconer - Feature Interview Days With

Marissa Feddema - Days With

Jessica Ferrer - Days With

Charlie Firestone - Expanding the Conversation

Erin Flynn - Feature Interview

Kolby Forbes - Team Interview

Laura Fox - Feature Interview

Sophia Francesco - NextGen

Sydney Franklin - Feature Interview

Jane Frederick - Feature Interview

Anda French - Feature Interview Expert Essay

Jenny French - Feature Interview Expert Essay

Sana Frini - Feature Interview

Xuan Fu - Feature Interview

Emma Fuller - NextGen


Lauren Gallow - Expert Essay

Julia Gamolina - Feature Interview Days With

Laura-India Garinois - NextGen

Aaron Gensler - Feature Interview

Aneta Gesiorska - Feature Interview

Sera Ghadaki - Team Interview

MaryAnne Gilmartin - Feature Interview

Sonya Gimon - Team Interview

Stephanie Gitto - Days With

Alicia Glen - Feature Interview

Rebecca Goldberg-Brodsky - Feature Interview

Elizabeth M. Golden - Expert Essay

Becca Goldstein - Team Interview

Julie Goldstone - Days With

Sydney Gore - Feature Interview

Eleanor Gorski - Feature Interview

Nu Goteh - Expanding the Conversation

Marti Gottsch - Days With

Meg Graham - Feature Interview

Fiorella Granda - NextGen

Alice Grandoit-Šutka - Expanding the Conversation

June Grant - Feature Interview

Karen Gravel - Feature Interview

Lisa Gray - Feature Interview

Elizabeth Graziolo - Feature Interview

Malena Grigoli - NextGen

Ruth Grigorov - NextGen

Grete Grubelich - Days With


Lindsay Haddix - Feature Interview

Anyeley Hallová - Feature Interview

Frances Halsband - Feature Interview

Melissa Hanley - Feature Interview

Abigail Happel - NextGen

Gisue Hariri & Mojgan Hariri - Feature Interview

Lindsay Harkema - Feature Interview Expert Essay Team Interview

Amanda Harper - Feature Interview

Nyasha Harper-Michon - Feature Interview

Harriet Harriss - Feature Interview Team Interview

Christele Harrouk - Feature Interview

Eva Hartling - Feature Interview

Ekram Hassen - Days With

Amy Hau - Feature Interview

Tami Hausman - Feature Interview

Jeanine Hays - Feature Interview

Jessica Helfand - Feature Interview

Adrienne Helper - Team Interview

Shaneekua Henry - Feature Interview

Paloma Hernaiz - Feature Interview

Juliet Hernandez-Eli - Feature Interview

Ingrid Hikaru Evenson - NextGen

Aria Hill - NextGen

Miriam Hillawi Abraham - Feature Interview

Mimi Hoang - Feature Interview

Stephanie Hobbs - Feature Interview

Laura Hochhäusl - Feature Interview

Sophie Hochhäusl - Feature Interview

Alexandra Hodkowski - Feature Interview

Kimberly Holden - Feature Interview

Nicole Hollant-Denis - Feature Interview

Renee Holsopple Glick - Feature Interview

Lauren Hood - Feature Interview

Francine Houben - Feature Interview

Nancy Hou - Feature Interview

Diane Hoskins - Feature Interview

Tiara Hughes - Days With Feature Interview

Johanna Hurme - Feature Interview


Mariana Ibañez - Feature Interview


Karrie Jacobs - Feature Interview

Margaret Jankowsky - Feature Interview

Casey Joe - Feature Interview Days With

Catherine Johnson - Feature Interview

Sarah Johnson - Feature Interview

Sharon Johnston - Feature Interview

Fay Jones - NextGen

Jenny Jones - Feature Interview

Vernae Jones-Seals - Feature Interview

Samantha Josaphat - Feature Interview Days With

Wendy Evans Joseph - Feature Interview

Tiffany Jow - Days With

Carla Juaçaba - Feature Interview

Ilana Judah - Feature Interview


Nasozi Kakembo - Feature Interview

Chrisoula Kapelonis - Feature Interview

Hana Kassem - Feature Interview

Yuri Kawashima - Days With

Alesia Karnaukhova - Feature Interview

Denise Keaveney - Expert Essay

Kelsey Keith - Feature Interview

Sheila Kennedy - Feature Interview

Vlada Kenniff - Feature Interview

Shushana Khachatrian - Feature Interview

Aliya Khan - Feature Interview

Julie Kim - Feature Interview

Mikyoung Kim - Feature Interview

Nina Kinoti-Metz - Feature Interview

Judith Kinnard - Feature Interview

Brandt Knapp - Feature Interview; Days With

Lali Koehler - Feature Interview

Carisima Koenig - Feature Interview

Mary Kohilam Chandrahasan - Feature Interview

Charu Kokate - Feature Interview

Zuhal Kol - Feature Interview

Sara Kolata - Days With

Yasemin Kologlu - Feature Interview

Signe Kongebro - Feature Interview

Annie Koo - Feature Interview

Bettina Korek - Team Interview

Iva Kravitz - Feature Interview

Maria Kremer - Feature Interview

Ersela Kripa - Feature Interview

Amy Kulper - Feature Interview

Hiroko Kusunoki - Feature Interview

Gail Kutac - Days With


Grace La - Feature Interview

Kristin LaBuz - Feature Interview

Suzanne LaGasa - Days With

Utkarsha Laharia - NextGen

Alexis C. Landes - Feature Interview

Alison Landry - Feature Interview

Ashley Law - Days With

Ann Le - Team Interview

Jane Lea - Feature Interview

Angie Lee - Feature Interview Days With

Dami Lee - Feature Interview

Little Wing Lee - Feature Interview Team Interview

Vivian Lee - Feature Interview

Mía Lehrer - Feature Interview

Regine Leibinger - Feature Interview

Erin Lewis - Feature Interview

Teresa Lillis - Days With

Mette Lindberg - Feature Interview

Sarah Lindenfeld - Feature Interview

Diane Lipovsky - Feature Interview

Jing Liu - Team Interview

Talitha Liu - Feature Interview

Marta Llor - NextGen

Lesley Lokko - Feature Interview

Sara Lopergolo - Feature Interview

Brianna Love - NextGen

Bridget Lowe - Expert Essay

Julieta Loya - Feature Interview

Fangyu Lu - NextGen

Manuela Lucá-Dazio - Feature Interview

Misa Lund - Feature Interview

Alda Ly - Feature Interview

Sade Lythcott - Team Interview


Jamiee Ma Williams - Days With

Finn MacLeod - Expanding the Conversation

Katie MacDonald - Feature Interview Days With Expert Essay

Rebecca Macklis - Days With

Sandra Madison - Feature Interview Feature Interview

Maya Madison - Feature Interview Days With

Lisa Mahar - Feature Interview

Linh Mai - NextGen

Sydney Mainster - Feature Interview

Tansy Mak - Days With

Katherine Malishewky - Expert Essay

Ruth Mandl - Feature Interview

Anjali Mangalgiri - Feature Interview Days With

Dorte Mandrup - Feature Interview

Elena Manferdini - Feature Interview

Olivia Manno - Days With

Abigail Marcelo Horace - Feature Interview

Elyse Marks - Feature Interview Days With

Soany Marquez - NextGen

Selina Martinez - Feature Interview

Melanie Masarin - Feature Interview

Mitu Mathur - Feature Interview

Kate Mazade - NextGen Days With Expert Essay

Katia McClain - Feature Interview

Remi McClain - NextGen

Mitch McEwen - Feature Interview

Molly McGowan - Feature Interview

Cathleen McGuigan - Feature Interview

Sandra McKee - Feature Interview

Marianne McKenna - Feature Interview

Dana McKinney - NextGen

Cindy McLaughlin - Feature Interview

Fiona McLean - Feature Interview

Kalen McNamara - Days With

Shelley McNamara - Feature Interview

Ashley Mendelsohn - Feature Interview Days With

Catherine Meng - Feature Interview

Marina Mogilevich - Feature Interview

Débora Mesa Molina - Feature Interview

Alexis Meyer - NextGen

Melanie Meyers - Feature Interview

Clare Miflin - Feature Interview

Dawn Miller - Feature Interview

Ginny Miller - Feature Interview

Radha Mistry - Feature Interview

Ruchika Modi - Feature Interview

Deborah Moelis - Team Interview

Mariana Mogilevich - Feature Interview

Elaine Molinar - Feature Interview Days With

Rozana Montiel - Feature Interview

Curt Moody - Expanding the Conversation

Jonathan Moody - Expanding the Conversation

Belle Morizio - Days With

Grace Mortlock - Feature Interview

Farshid Moussavi - Feature Interview

Nastaran Mousavi - Feature Interview

Tara Mrowka - Feature Interview

Julia Muntean - Days With

Ashley Murphy - Team Interview

Kirsten Murray - Feature Interview

Jessica Myers - Feature Interview


Sydne Nance - Feature Interview

Bridget Nathan - Days With

Latoya Nelson Kamdang - Feature Interview

Sarah Nelson-Woynicz - Feature Interview

Kim Neuscheler - Feature Interview

Jennifer Newsom - Feature Interview

Clare Newman - Feature Interview

Ginna Nguyen - Feature Interview

Kate Nguyen - NextGen

Thanh Nguyen - Feature Interview

Thao Nguyen - Feature Interview

Noella Nibakuze - Feature Interview

Signe Nielsen - Team Interview

Emily Nobel Maxwell - Feature Interview

Vernelle A.A. Noel - Feature Interview

Carrie Norman - Feature Interview

Samantha Nowak - NextGen


Mary Anne Ocampo - Feature Interview

Caroline O’Donnell - Feature Interview

Katie Okamoto - Feature Interview

Enrica Oliva - Feature Interview

Lyanne Oosterhof - Days With

Tosin Oshinowo - Feature Interview

Jenny B. Osuldsen - Feature Interview

Yimika Osunsanya - NextGen

Neri Oxman - Feature Interview

Oz Ozburn - Feature Interview


Daria Pahhota - Feature Interview

Rudabeh Pakravan - Feature Interview

Jennifer Park - Feature Interview

Maria Pastorelli - NextGen

Stacy Passmore - Feature Interview

Claudia Pasquero - Feature Interview

Sarah Patton - Team Interview

Maria Paz - Feature Interview Days With

Erin Peavey - Feature Interview

Kelley Perumbeti - Days With

Ema Peter - Feature Interview

Miriam Peterson - Feature Interview

Jenny Peysin - Feature Interview Days With Team Interview

Natalie Pierro - Team Interview

Elsa Ponce - Feature Interview, Team Interview

Anna Ponting - Feature Interview

Maria Porro - Feature Interview

Nisha Mary Prasad - Feature Interview Days With

Dena Prastos - Feature Interview

Jennifer Preston - Feature Interview

Sharon Prince - Feature Interview Team Interview


Cecilia Quezada - Feature Interview

Kate Quinlan - Feature Interview

Vanessa Quirk - Days With


Danielle Rago - Feature Interview

Anooshey Rahim - Feature Interview

Liseth Ramirez - NextGen

Ashley Rao - Expert Essay

Pacharapan Ratananakorn - Feature Interview

Bika Rebek - Feature Interview Days With Expert Essay

Suchi Reddy - Feature Interview

Kate Reggev - Feature Interview Days With Expert Essay

Nicole M. Reimert Burró - NextGen

Morgan Reuther - NextGen

Ruth Ro - Feature Interview

Bryony Roberts - Feature Interview Team Interview

Elizabeth Roberts - Feature Interview

Allison Robin - Team Interview

Siobhan Rockcastle - Feature Interview

Laura Rog - Team Interview

Amanda Rogers - Feature Interview

Annie Rolland - Feature Interview

Chloe Romano - NextGen

Lorena Del Rio - Feature Interview

Madelynn Ringo - Days With

Nora Rizzo - Team Interview

Chandra Robinson - Feature Interview

Susan Rodriguez - Feature Interview

Rebecca Rudolph - Feature Interview

Ana Paola Ruiz Galindo - Feature Interview


Jenny Sabin - Feature Interview

Pascale Sablan - Days With

Jennifer Sage - Feature Interview

Patricia Saldana Natke - Team Interview

Elease Samms - Feature Interview

Hilary Sample - Feature Interview

Laura Santín - Feature Interview

Wanona Satcher - Feature Interview

Margaret Saunders - NextGen

Paula Scher - Feature Interview

Rhea Schmid - NextGen

Irina Schneid - Feature Interview Days With

Anna Scheuermann - Days With

Kathy Scott - Feature Interview

Justine Sears - Feature Interview

Maiko Sein - NextGen

Gillian Shaffer Lutsko - Feature Interview

Alice Shay - Feature Interview

Honora Shea - Feature Interview

Sara Sheikh Akbari - Feature Interview

Bo Shepherd - Feature Interview

Jessica Sherman - Feature Interview

Claire Shue - NextGen

Kirsten Sibilia - Feature Interview

Alexandra Siebenthal - Days With

Andrea Simitch - Feature Interview

Je Siqueira - Team Interview

Susanna Sirefman - Feature Interview

Mette Skjold - Feature Interview

Sylvia Smith - Feature Interview

Julie V. Snow - Feature Interview

Lissa So - Feature Interview Team Interview

Joana Sobrinho Maduro - Feature Interview

Sheela Søgaard - Feature Interview

Helle Søholt - Feature Interview

Hayes Slade - Feature Interview Team Interview

Galia Solomonoff - Feature Interview

Julia Skeete - Days With

Laura Starr - Feature Interview Team Interview

Zoë Star Small - Feature Interview

Ellie Stathaki - Feature Interview

Melody Stein - Days With

Portia Strahan - Feature Interview

Sarah Sparer - Feature Interview

Chris-Annmarie Spencer - Feature Interview

Christian Stayner - Expanding the Conversation

Despina Stratigakos - Feature Interview

Andrea Steele - Feature Interview

Marquise Stillwell - Expanding the Conversation

Mimmi Strömbäck - Days With

Amy Stone - Feature Interview Days With

Jean Suh - Feature Interview

Shilpa Suresh - Expert Essay

Sharon Egretta Sutton - Feature Interview

Irina and Olga Sundukovy - Feature Interview

Katie Swenson - Feature Interview Expert Essay

Carla Swickerath - Feature Interview

Asad Syrkett - Expanding the Conversation

Arliss Szysky - Feature Interview


Ingrid Taillandier - Feature Interview

Severine Tatangelo - Feature Interview

Utako Tanebe - Feature Interview

Amelia Tavella - Feature Interview

Tiffany-Ann Taylor - Feature Interview

Chelsea Thatcher - Team Interview

Ming Thompson - Feature Interview

Martha Thorne - Feature Interview

Harriet Thorpe - Days With Expert Essay

Supriya Thyagarajan - Feature Interview

Mary Ann Tighe - Feature Interview

Suzan Tillotson - Feature Interview

Christopher Torres - Expanding the Conversation

Julie Torres Moskovitz - Feature Interview

Ryan Trinidade - Expanding the Conversation

Lexi Tsien - Feature Interview

Kathryn Tyler Prigmore - Feature Interview



Sumayya Vally - Feature Interview

Julia van den Hout - Days With

Hannah van Hemmen - Feature Interview

Brianne Van Vorst - Expert Essay

Luciana Varkulja - Team Interview

Alexa Vaughn - Feature Interview

Monica von Schmalensee - Feature Interview

Adrienn Virag - NextGen

Liliana Viveros - Feature Interview

Nathalie de Vries - Feature Interview


Riz Walker - Days With

Kate Wagner - Feature Interview

Julia Watson - Feature Interview

Teri Watson - Days With

Liz Waytkus - Feature Interview

Kia Weatherspoon - Feature Interview

Huay Wee - Feature Interview

Melissa Weigel - Feature Interview

Marion Weiss - Feature Interview

Claire Weisz - Feature Interview

Nina Weithorn - NextGen

Sophie Weston Chien - NextGen Days With

Story Wiggins - Feature Interview

Sarah Wigglesworth - Team Interview

Lindsey Wikstrom - Feature Interview

Bolanle Williams-Olley - Feature Interview Days With

Cali Willirams - Feature Interview

Janiece Williams - Feature Interview

Jha D Williams - Feature Interview

Beverly Willis - Feature Interview

Danielle Willkens - Feature Interview

Barbara Wilks - Feature Interview

Clara Wineberg - Feature Interview

Kaija Wuollet - Feature Interview

Marguerite Wynter - Feature Interview


Sharon Xu - Feature Interview


Lucy Yang - NextGen

Kim Yao - Feature Interview

Phoebe Yee - Feature Interview

Jin Yi - Days With

Celia Young - Days With

Michelle Young - Feature Interview


Utharaa Zacharias - Days With

Rawnak Zaman - Days With

Cazú Zegers - Feature Interview

Mimi Zeiger - Feature Interview

Dasha Zhukova - Team Interview

Charlotte Ziye Yu - NextGen