New York City College of Technology's Alyssa Duran Community, Equity, and Harmonious Spaces

By Julia Gamolina

Alyssa Duran is a fifth-year B. Arch student at New York City College of Technology (City Tech). She was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, where her passion for storytelling, visualization and environmental subjects sparked her interest in architecture. Her goal is to be part of the next generation of architects who address global challenges with creativity and sustainability in mind. She finds inspiration in art, culture, and nature, which drives her design process to explore innovative ways to create positive change.

JG: First off, how did you choose City Tech? And then, why architecture?

Back in 2019, when I moved to the United States, I was searching for a school that aligned with my interests. I didn’t know anyone who had studied architecture in the U.S., and with little guidance on what school to choose, I began my journey at BMCC as a Liberal Arts major. While exploring architecture schools near where I lived, I discovered City Tech. I was drawn to the school’s mission, accessibility, prime location near the city, and the affordability of its architecture program. After my first year, I realized that the Architectural Technology department at CityTech offered much more than just technical knowledge, but how to integrate that knowledge into designs.

As a child, I witnessed the decline of my hometown’s microclimate — massive deforestation, rising temperatures, rivers polluted with trash, and the traditional way of life for residents being drastically changed. This experience led me to ask myself: "What can I do with my hands to contribute to the world?” That question made me look for a major that aligned with my desire to integrate art and contribute to the environment where I lived, and that was the moment when I found architecture.

Alyssa finalizing the installation of the TECHNE exhibition LED sign before the April 12, 2024, launch event at City Tech.

What are some of the initiatives you’ve focused on in school, and why?

I’ve been involved in leadership roles and collaborations for our annual magazine, TECHNE, and our fundraising event, Building Blocks. I have also worked as a research assistant for faculty members and participated in the Architecture League, Architecture Club, AIAS, and NOMAS, as well as working as a Digital Media Specialist and Workshop Coordinator for my department. These roles constantly allow me to connect with students from around the world and share my experiences as a student and as a colleague who supports them in their academic journeys.

CityTech quickly became a second home, where I found a community of individuals who shared the same passion for architecture and had similar experiences in pursuing higher education. I enjoy working with fellow students because I see myself reflected in them. I am committed to supporting the next generation of architects and leaders, many of whom are also first-generation students navigating college life.

I want to make a difference in this world, and I believe the only way to do that is by inspiring others to join me. In my view, this field—beyond being rooted in collaboration—is about our attitudes toward the challenges we face daily.
— Alyssa Duran

When searching for internships and jobs in general, what are you looking for?

I’m looking forward to exploring various facets of the field, whether it is working with industry leaders, learning evolving practices, or understanding the management processes behind projects. I believe that gaining exposure to different perspectives in this industry can unlock countless opportunities, bridging the gap between its scientific and artistic aspects.

Save Our Planet Community Center in Red Hook raises awareness of climate change, with its design reflecting rising ground levels and their impact on our lives. Courtesy of Alyssa Duran.

What’s important to you? What inspires you?

What matters the most to me is knowing that my actions today will help me to understand and address major future challenges of the world and my community. It is exciting to witness how life forms in my surroundings. I find joy in observing flowers and interacting with people and living creatures that are part of the biological processes that sustain our world.

I am inspired by the transformative role of architecture and how it impacts lives, communities, cultures, and ecosystems. I am excited by the opportunity to learn and share my knowledge to create harmonious spaces that integrate human interaction and equity. Learning from our world is very interesting to me, and seeing what natural practices offer to us is an inspiring experience I look forward to continuing.

What have been some of the biggest challenges for you so far? How did you manage through?

One of the biggest challenges I had so far was starting my college education as a first-generation student during the pandemic. It was a moment of great frustration. I wanted to meet people and do my first design studios in person, but the barriers of Zoom made it difficult to even have conversations with classmates or professors. I often felt lost without guidance or a clear starting point.

However, I focused on making the most of the resources I had to overcome this challenge. I leaned on my dedication to self-learning and used the skills I developed through extracurricular activities while living in the Dominican Republic, such as volleyball and painting lessons. These experiences helped me build resilience, discipline, and creativity, which I continue to draw on in my studies, especially during my final years of architecture school.

Life is about experimenting. Don’t fear failure—if something doesn’t work out, try again.
— Alyssa Duran

What do you hope to do in your career?

I hope to contribute to the development of innovative strategies for the design of buildings in this climate crisis and provide spaces for communities that lack financial resources. I hope to share my experiences with Latin American women in architecture and related industries who are experiencing situations similar to what I went through. I want to inspire first-generation architecture students to become leaders in this field, to be a source of inspiration, and to innovate everywhere they go.

I want to make a difference in this world, and I believe the only way to do that is by inspiring others to join me. In my view, this field—beyond being rooted in collaboration—is about our attitudes toward the challenges we face daily. I hope to continue learning, seeking new challenges, and starting dialogues with others about impactful living conditions in various communities and cultures worldwide.

Who do you look up to? Both in terms of women in architecture, and in general.

There are many people in my life, from industry professionals to mentors, who have profoundly influenced who I am today, starting with my mom and sister, who guide me every day along the path to success. Their love, tenacity, and dedication are the driving forces that keep me going.

In the architecture world, I greatly admire and follow Jeanne Gang, Elizabeth Diller, Annabelle Selldorf, Deborah Berke, and Zaha Hadid. It is inspiring to see the roles they have played and continue to play as leaders, educators, and designers, and how their practices are revolutionizing the architecture of today’s world. Throughout my academic journey at City Tech, all the faculty members and mentors I have met, including Jill Bouratoglou, Elizabeth Parks, and Anne Leonhardt, have been influential. Seeing their dedication every day motivates me to be a voice for others who, like them, love architecture.

All the people I have had the pleasure of meeting during these five years have been instrumental in shaping my career path and have shown me that architecture is driven by passion, discipline, and love. I am grateful to you, Julia, and the Madame Architect team for providing me with this opportunity to express my gratitude and admiration for these remarkable women on this platform.

Alyssa demonstrating the assembly process of a Voronoi sphere to students and classmates at City Tech's Fabrication Lab.

Thanks so much Alyssa. Finally, what advice would you give to those in high school now, choosing their field of study?

Follow your dreams and be passionate about everything you do in life. Don’t minimize your potential and stay curious about learning new things. While it can be challenging to balance academics, remember that you don’t need to have it all figured out. If you stay curious every day, that is more than enough to help you discover what you truly enjoy.

I want to emphasize the importance of making the most of your free time and doing something beyond social media. Get involved in traditional extracurricular activities like sports, arts, languages, music, or anything that excites you. Life is about experimenting. Don’t fear failure—if something doesn’t work out, try again. Believe in yourself.

Finally, challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Remember, you are the author of your own story. Be curious, work hard, and enjoy the process. You got this.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.