Amy Stone: Atlanta, Caravaggio, and Community Q
St. Pancras Station
By Amy Stone
City: Atlanta. It’s home and is an underestimated city: green, active, and welcoming, with the perfect amount of crazy and complex to keep it forever interesting.
Building: St. Pancras Station for the unity of different architectural styles and creating such a dynamic, colorful, beautiful space.
Book: Where’d You Go Burnadette comes to mind because of the content, characters, and humor. It’s one of the few books I’ve gone back to re-read and enjoyed it more the second time around.
Film: I could watch Devil Wears Prada any day of the week. I’m a sucker for movies with women in the process of self-actualization: Chocolat, The Post, and On the Basis of Sex come to mind.
Jeanne Gang
Public Space: Broad Street near Woodruff Park in Atlanta for being one of the first spaces that helped me understand the complexity and energy of public space.
Architect: Jeanne Gang is a role model.
Broad Street in Atlanta
Restaurant: Community Q! It’s a BBQ place in our neighborhood that’s one of the best in Atlanta. The mac and cheese! The Brunswick stew! The chicken salad!
Artist: Caravaggio for his emotion evoking work that still gets me every time I see it.
Memory: Whatever new place I was last discovering while travelling. Those moments fuel me. The last was Joyce Kilmer National Forest and Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC.
Object: Is Diet Coke an object?
Caravaggio Taking Christ