Driven by Compassion: OneSource Consulting and WXY's Vernae Jones-Seals on Sharing Experiences, Knowledge, and Power
A Hybrid Path: Miriam Hillawi Abraham on Worldbuilding, Heritage, and New Canons
From Research to Resonance: The Institute for AfroUrbanism’s Lauren Hood on Humanity’s Collective Consciousness
Big Ideas: The Trust for Governors Island’s Clare Newman on Urban Solutions, Models for Cities, and Mentorship
Affordable Housing, Client, Construction, Climate, Development, Infrastructure, Interviews, Investment, Leadership, Motherhood, Sustainability, Resilience, Tech, UrbanismJulia Gamolina
Architect and CEO: SLA's Mette Skjold on Leadership Training, Organizational Culture, and Collective Success
Climate, Design, Infrastructure, Interviews, Landscape, Leadership, Madame Architect Abroad, Resilience, Sustainability, UrbanismJulia Gamolina
Urban Models: C40's Director of Urban Planning and Design Hélène Chartier on A New Paradigm for Cities
Climate, Development, Infrastructure, Interviews, Landscape, Leadership, Madame Architect Abroad, Resilience, Sustainability, UrbanismJulia Gamolina
In Charge of the Outside: New York City's First Chief Public Realm Officer Ya-Ting Liu on Communication, Compromise, and Aiming Toward Your North Star
Undefined Potential: Moreau Kusunoki's Hiroko Kusunoki on Hand Drawing, Big Challenges, and the Subtle Elements That Shape Our Lives
Arts & Culture, Design, Emerging, Entrepreneurship, Firms to Watch, Interviews, Leadership, Madame Architect Abroad, New Generation, Motherhood, Starting a Firm, UrbanismJulia Gamolina
Radical Pedagogy: The Bartlett’s Amy Kulper on Empathy and Ethics of Care in Teaching
Moving Forward: RIBA's Catherine Clark on Sharing Knowledge and Creating Communities of Support
Insatiably Curious: Atelier Manferdini's Elena Manferdini on Experimentation, Critical Thinking, and Global Citizens
STUDIO SHOO's Shushana Khachatrian on a Fresh Approach, Color, and Promoting her Home Country
Love Letter to New York: Open House New York's Kristin LaBuz on Culture, Leadership, and the Collective Power of Convening
Spaces We Share: Urban Omnibus's Mariana Mogilevich on Urbanism, Complexity, and Making the City Better
Peace of Mind: POM Studio's Portia Strahan on Leadership, Care, and Following Your Calling
Provoking the Imagination: Studio Becker Xu's Sharon Xu on Answering Big Questions Through Projects of All Sizes
Academia, Arts & Culture, Design, Emerging, Entrepreneurship, Firms to Watch, Interviews, Leadership, New Generation, Starting a FirmJulia Gamolina
A Future Without Garbage: Center for Zero Waste Design and ThinkWoven's Clare Miflin on Resilience, Persistence, and Reuse
Activism, Climate, Design, Entrepreneurship, Landscape, Interviews, Leadership, Resilience, Sustainability, UrbanismJulia Gamolina
Dreaming Up Solutions: o p e n studio's Erin Lewis and Oz Ozburn on Entrepreneurship, Success, and Taking Care of Yourself
Business of Architecture, Construction, Design, Entrepreneurship, Firms to Watch, Leadership, Interviews, Mental Health, Motherhood, Starting a FirmJulia Gamolina